How to cover a slipcover

Did you ever consider how to make a slipcover to restore a beloved piece of furniture in your home? 

Plip plop. Plip plop. Whoosh! Beep, beep. Honk! Squawk!

Not the usual sounds you hear when you’re on your sofa. 

Except if your sofa is sitting outside in the rain, lonely and unprotected at the curb, evicted from its beloved home.

Your home. 

Where it sat comfortably for years, supporting your family through all your daily activities. 

Remember when you vacuumed wayward crumbs and found loose coins in its sturdy corners to feed the parking meter or pay for overdue library books?

While its structure is still firm and intact, your sofa now has a worn look, with tattered arms and cushions. 

One snide comment from your visiting aunt about a local furniture shop she simply loves hits its intended mark. 

And now, the sofa that happily tolerated endless reruns of your children’s favorite movies and buckets of popcorn has become an outcast.

But the story didn’t have to end that way!


Your sofa is still a valuable piece of furniture in your home. 

Instead of discarding it and paying thousands of dollars for a replacement, I can show you how to make a slipcover for it.

I finally finished a slipcover for my couch. The whole process took about a week to complete and it was not as painful as I feared. 

My new cover is a blue canvas – we originally wanted gray but we fell in love with this lively shade of blue. 

Want to learn how to make a sofa slipcover and save your sofa from the dumpster? Let me share the process with you.



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